Saturday, December 22, 2007

To my Christmas Angels on Earth.....

There are no words.....None are suffient to thank you for what you did for Essie and for our family. Thanks to you generous people we received enough to buy plane tickets for Andrew and Anne Pearce. Do you realize what you all just did???? You just made Essie's adoption possible. God just worked through each and every one of you who donated one point or one dollar to give this child a family! I would have NEVER imagined when I started this little ol' blog that I would meet so many people that would become a part of my family. You have all been there every step of my adoption journey (starting with AP), and you guys just get me. It means more than anything in the world just knowing that there are people who "get" what we're doing and WHY we are doing it..... to know that you guys will be there through every step to get Essie home where she belongs. I know you don't want me to mention your names, but people, let me tell you: My buds have got my back in ways you can't even imagine. I am blessed to have the best friends on earth....many I've never even spoken to or met in person. I am humbled. I am thankful. Am I surprised??? Not for one second. You people rock! Christmas is about being together and helping others (to quote AP's favorite, The Wonder Pets). You all are the true meaning behind Christmas. The total unselfishness and gracious giving...... God is smiling down on each and every one of you, and I know He will bless you.........

I love you all more than words can say.
Eccl. 4: 9-10, 12
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.


JuJu - said...

One of my fav. scriptures:) Our family motto actually - and that is what we are -

a family - each of us - God joined our hearts and hands through the miracle of adoption - and I am so thankful for that:)

I love you guys:)


Becky Scott said...

I am so glad that everything came together for you guys. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Kim said...

I'm so happy you guys are all going to be able to get down there. What an amazing Christmas you are having!!! I also can't wait to see God's hand in this new journey!!!!

Cameo said...

I just left a comment on Nat's blog and I'm going to say the same thing here; I'm so glad that Natalie alerted us to the situation and that I speak for a handful of people when I say that we were honestly HAPPY to help in a teeny tiny way. ANYTHING for my Lou Lou!!!! Now go get that baby on her way to coming home!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Kerry said...

You can thank us by posting pictures of you and your daughters on the 26th when you meet her for the first time!

I love ya girl.

Rose said...

Lou, I am so happy for you!! Congrats on your new journey!! I love the name sweet!

Sig said...

I am just so happy for you guys. I am sorry we can't do anything for you, we have no points :( But, can't wait to see your newest daughter in your arms!

Mami Sue said...

Lou, I am thrilled that everything
came together for you guys to be able to go to Guat and see your sweet Essie!
God is sooooo Good!!
We'll be praying for you!!
Love, Sue

Anonymous said...

Lou- I am so happy you received the money to get you all there! I am so excited to see pics of you all together!!! Wishing you guys many blessings on this excited to be on board again with you guys!!
Love ya'll~ steph

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